132: Simplify to Scale with Jessica Yarbrough
how to create your ultra-high-end package and overcome the imposter syndrome that’s been holding you back from it all. ...
how to create your ultra-high-end package and overcome the imposter syndrome that’s been holding you back from it all. ...
This episode is deep, impactful, and raw. I invite you to enter a safe space with us and give yourself the gift of self-awareness of your own negative self-beliefs so that you too, can liberate. ...
Let's talk All Things Money: How to charge clients, how to track your money, how to get credit card payments—I mean ALL the nitty gritty things you don’t even realize you have to figure out until you’re knee-deep in it like, “Shit! How do I...
If you’ve been trying to figure out how to maximize your Instagram feed while making some money, this episode is for you. I talk with artist Allie Dattilio on how she gained 24k followers and turned her 'gram into a profitable business....
In Episode 26, I chat with Shame Eliminator, Amy Taylor, as she talks about her battle with shame and how she has used what once held her back as a tool for helping other women free themselves from their own shame....
Think about this: There are 24 hours in the day, if you spent 10 minutes planning, you would regain hours of your life back every single week because instead of chasing the ball—you’d be ahead of the ball (not to mention all of the emotional...
Having healthy relationships—whether it’s friendships, mentors, family, colleagues, or spouses—has a profound impact on your life. But as a busy entrepreneur (and with good ole technology), interacting and connecting with others can occur far less than it truly should be....
If you're busted as hell—you can't run a successful business very well (and that ain't no Dr. Seuss talk there). Your health matters and it affects more than just yourself. ...
Setbacks can be something as little as you have to reroute your day and they can be something so monumental that you want to just crawl in your bed and stay there for the next week—or month....
"What you think is what you are." Nothing in the world feels truer than the things we tell ourselves within our mind. So how do we manage those self-inflicting thoughts that quite nearly drain our confidence and motivation to do or be more?...