

Whether I’m on stage or on a podcast, my number one goal is to help women remember who they are and what they’re capable of so they can live an aligned life and business. Sometimes it’s an emotional release, other times it’s a “HELL YES” enthusiasm – but I can promise you this… I vow to show up and intuitively guide your audience with them with grounded, practical ways to take action.

Light The Fire Conference Motivational Speaker


Whether I’m on stage or on a podcast, my number one goal is to help women remember who they are and what they’re capable of so they can live an aligned life and business. Sometimes it’s an emotional release, other times it’s a “HELL YES” enthusiasm – but I can promise you this… I vow to show up and intuitively guide your audience with them with grounded, practical ways to take action.

I speak about shifting the mind junk to help audiences know how to stop fighting themselves and get what they actually want.

I’ve had the honor of speaking on/at 120+ podcasts and events, interviewed over 210 guests, and have 450+ aired episodes of The Gutsy Podcast. Whether it’s teaching your audience how to get unstuck or relighting a fire in their soul to take a gutsy move, one of my favorite parts about speaking is watching people have their own aha moment when everything just “clicks” and they’re reignited to make a positive change for themselves.


My keynote speeches and workshops are perfect for personal-development hungry, growth-focused groups who are ready to step into their next level of success and fulfillment with an extra boost of enthusiasm and confidence.

women’s groups • leadership events

corporate and business resource groups

entrepreneurship • conferences + events

LauraAura - Speaker and Mindset Coach giving a Keynote Speech

“Be prepared to get goosebumps, life-changing perspective shifts, and a personal & business life you never knew you deserved!”

– Participant

Outsmart Your Thoughts

How to stop fighting yourself so you can have the things you want.

You want to make a change, ramp yourself up to do it, and then your brain kicks in. Thoughts of what if, but I can’t, who am I to, and, how? take over and talk you out of your ideas before you even get started. Changing your outer world begins with rewiring your inner world and that means leaning into the temporary discomfort that frees you.

Meet LauraAura, an activating Keynote Speaker on a mission to help audiences learn practical ways to shift their mind junk so they stop settling and start radiating. Learn more about audience takeaways in LauraAura’s media kit.

This talk is perfect for personal-development hungry, growth-focused groups who are ready to step into their next level of success and fulfillment with an extra boost of enthusiasm and confidence.

Other Talks + Workshops:

What do you actually want?

Live out your desires instead of thinking about them.

Every fulfilling shift begins by getting clear and honest around one question: “What do I actually want?” When you back that desire up with curiosity for what’s possible, learn to quiet the head noise, and have the courage to move differently, you’ll be a little weirded out (and mostly amazed) at how quickly and easily you can change your life.

Stop hiding behind people pleasing

Your desire to be liked isn’t helping them, it’s hurting you.

Most people aren’t trying to drain you, they’ve been trained that they can. People pleasing is often seen as a gold standard for being a good person, but there’s an unspoken energy that comes along with it – expectation. When you stop hiding behind your fears and beliefs and shift your focus to helping instead of pleasing, you’ll finally be able to prioritize yourself without feeling guilty.


Outsmart Your Thoughts

How to stop fighting yourself so you can have the things you want.

You want to make a change, ramp yourself up to do it, and then your brain kicks in. Thoughts of what if, but I can’t, who am I to, and, how? take over and talk you out of your ideas before you even get started. Changing your outer world begins with rewiring your inner world and that means leaning into the temporary discomfort that frees you.

Meet LauraAura, an activating Keynote Speaker on a mission to help audiences learn practical ways to shift their mind junk so they stop settling and start radiating. Learn more about audience takeaways in LauraAura’s media kit.

This talk is perfect for personal-development hungry, growth-focused groups who are ready to step into their next level of success and fulfillment with an extra boost of enthusiasm and confidence.

LauraAura - Speaker and Mindset Coach giving a Keynote Speech

Other Topics + Workshops:

What do you actually want?

Live out your desires instead of thinking about them.

Every fulfilling shift begins by getting clear and honest around one question: “What do I actually want?” When you back that desire up with curiosity for what’s possible, learn to quiet the head noise, and have the courage to move differently, you’ll be a little weirded out (and mostly amazed) at how quickly and easily you can change your life.

Stop hiding behind people pleasing

Your desire to be liked isn’t helping them, it’s hurting you.

Most people aren’t trying to drain you, they’ve been trained that they can. People pleasing is often seen as a gold standard for being a good person, but there’s an unspoken energy that comes along with it – expectation. When you stop hiding behind your fears and beliefs and shift your focus to helping instead of pleasing, you’ll finally be able to prioritize yourself without feeling guilty.


she is engaging, enlightening and a true virtuoso of the spoken word. The world could use more of her.


the things you said will resonate within my spirit for years to come


you’re truly amazing! you made us all want to get out our pens and scrap paper!


her message is always on point and is what i need to hear in that moment.


The Gutsy Podcast Testimonial
The Gutsy Podcast Testimonial
The Gutsy Podcast Testimonial
The Gutsy Podcast Testimonial
The Gutsy Podcast Testimonial
The Gutsy Podcast Testimonial
book la


if you tend to overthink and want to learn how to quiet the head noise, start here ➡