entrepreneur Tag

This week, we’re talking real emotions that come with starting and running a business — what’s normal and what’s not....

Branding is a hell of a powerhouse that goes way beyond the colors in your logo; it's really one of the primary reasons why businesses are either stuck or thriving....

Websites, ya can't live without them. Yet, they also make you want to pull your hair out. In this episode, we get all into the nitty-gritty of them. Let's dig into the ins, outs, do's, and don't's of building a successful website....

This episode is deep, impactful, and raw. I invite you to enter a safe space with us and give yourself the gift of self-awareness of your own negative self-beliefs so that you too, can liberate. ...

A lot of people associate empathy with weakness, but after really exploring and understanding it more myself, I realized that couldn't be further from the truth. Empathy is truly a superpower. It's a chance to feel some of the most beautiful, colorful emotions that have...