
One of the hardest parts about becoming a business owner is deciding when to make the transition from "passionate side hustle + a full-time job" into "my full-time job = my passion." Although the process is different for everyone, there are definitely some frameworks to...

After almost 12 years in business, I could tell my fair share of horror client stories with you. I've worked with absolutely perfect people and others that have left my team and me in tears. But those dream clients are 110% obtainable - it only...

Do you ever find yourself saying, "If I knew then what I know now, there is no way in HELL that I would be doing this"? On this episode of The Gutsy Podcast, we get into the heads of entrepreneur's as they provide business advice...

A lot of people associate empathy with weakness, but after really exploring and understanding it more myself, I realized that couldn't be further from the truth. Empathy is truly a superpower. It's a chance to feel some of the most beautiful, colorful emotions that have...

Being wrong or not knowing something in the moment, doesn't make you a fake. It makes you a human that is learning and growing....

If there were an award for screwing things up in business, I'd have a nice little trophy wall in my office. I've made a ton of great decisions in my business, but only because I've made A LOT of bad ones too....

If you have ever found yourself working way too hard for way too long, you have most likely found yourself in the place of burnout. Which is why this week, we are going to talk about common burnout signs, why we do those things, and...

The only thing scarier than making the decision to quit your job to start your full-time business is the decision and the reality behind hiring your first employees....