Not every opportunity is ideal for who you are, what you do and what your company stands for....
When I started Worx 9 years ago, it wasn’t a goal of mine to have an all-woman team, but as time has evolved, that’s who we are and I’m damn proud of that....
Many of the businesses that come to us started their brand with this same scenario. As your business evolves, so do you and the visual presence you give your company should too. Here are some signs that it may be time to give your branding...
How can you dig deeper into your business? How can you lay a more solid foundation for yourself and your team? Opportunities can only stand tall on top of the solid foundation you have built. Work together. Communicate. Visualize both with yourself and as a...
I've accepted that when the going gets tough, were usually on the verge of something incredible. It's usually the universes way of asking, “Are you ready to grow, and how dedicated are you to doing it?” Coming out on the other side of whatever challenge...
When you’re going through a growth spirt, be the visionary that leads the team but also the person who rolls up their sleeves and gets in the trenches with everyone. And most importantly, make the decisions that positively affect the team and your clients in...
Oftentimes when companies market themselves or choose what type of content they want to put on social media, their website or in ads, they’re overwhelmed by what they want to say. Do we talk about services? Do we talk about trends in the industry? Should...
Make a good honest effort to do good. Make sure you’re eating food and drinking water. Go to bed at a reasonable time. Be present when you’re with someone (put that phone away). The sooner you’re able to accept that you are only one human,...
If some professionals (like tattoo artists or doctors) aren’t able to multitask, why do we ask ourselves to every day? Just in writing this blog, I’ve had about six opportunities to stop. The ding, the random memory, the feeling that I need to do 100...