Author: LauraAura

The best way to attract your tribe is to be who you are, regardless of who is around. Your energy is like a magnet and you’ll attract the love and support of the ones that appreciate you for who you are. ...

On this week’s podcast, I open up about something that is pretty uncomfortable for me to talk about. It’s been taunting me for years and just a few weeks ago I decided to own it and share my situation with you. ...

The truth is, authenticity is contagious. People admire people that are willing to go against the grain and take a risk. By being yourself, you’re influencing others to do the same. ...

Being an entrepreneur can feel lonely and overwhelming sometimes. This is a safe place for you to tune in and hear stories of business owners just like you that say “Yes! You can!”...

A website isn’t the only tool you have to get people interested in your brand, but it is a big part of it. ...

A company’s brand is their fingerprint. The logo is just the tip of the iceberg, what's beyond that?...

Check out these tips from Leadercast 2018 maybe one, or all will speak to you on some level. ...

What is Leadercast? Who is it for? Why should I attend? Get your questioned answered here!...