By Laura Wallace  |  September 14, 2017


I get sucked into shows like America’s Got Talent. So many people with so many talents, it just amazes me. One of my favorite parts of these shows though is getting to know the people. When they’re on stage, they’re performing. We know them by their talent, their looks, and their emotions. We associate them with what they do on that stage. And when they hit that damn golden buzzer and all the confetti falls down and the people start crying, I’m a giant baby wrapped up on my couch crying along with them.

From time to time, the show takes you on a journey through that person’s story. They take you behind the scenes of what lead them to that stage. We hear about their struggles, their pains, what they’ve sacrificed and what they’ve overcome. It’s these stories that create a connection with you. They’re no longer a singer, dancer or performer. They’re a person with a story. You now start to relate and empathize with them. And when you see them on that stage getting emotional, you know why it’s so important.

One of my favorite stories was a girl that has been a musician all her life. She developed a disorder that made her slowly lose her hearing until she was completely deaf. She stopped pursing her dream because she felt limited by her abilities, until one day she discovered that she could “hear” through vibrations. If she took off her shoes and stood on the ground, she could feel the vibrations of the instruments and began to sing along. She didn’t give up, she found another way. Now she’s on one of America’s largest stages, performing for all of us while we fall in love with her persistence.

I say all this to tell you that your brand story is important. By peeling back the layers and exposing your “why” you allow people to create a deeper connection with you. You’re no longer just an electrician, builder, hair stylist or caretaker. You’re a person with a story that people can connect with. Your story makes you human. It’s not to be ashamed of or hidden. It shows people that you didn’t give up, but found another way. It allows your customer to have a human connection with you outside of the daily transaction. People buy from people. Your why is your golden buzzer.

Sharing your story through your marketing is a powerful tool that takes down the business guard and brings in the human factor. You can share it on your website, through your sales process or even through video that’s distributed over social media platforms. It doesn’t need to be long or include every detail, but if you open yourself up to be a little more vulnerable, you’d be amazed at how many others will begin to do the same for you.

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