96: How to Repurpose Your Content With Rosa Sarmento

You have a shit ton of content. If you look back at all the videos, posts, website content, and marketing materials you’ve created over the years, you’d quickly realize that you’re not short on content – you’re short on time.

I know you’d love to do more with it, but how can you efficiently repurpose content to grow your business?

I brought in content specialist and digital nomad, Rosa Sarmento, to explain how you can repurpose your content, save time, and grow your reach.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Rosa talks about how she nestled into her niche of podcast management and content repurposing
  • What is content repurposing and how does it help working entrepreneurs show up more consistently, but also work less?
  • What is typically the point in an entrepreneur’s journey when it’s time to outsource someone like you and your team?
  • Advice to people who want to outsource but are worried about their content not sounding like them or feeling like them
  • Can you still repurpose content if you don’t have audio or video content?
  • How many online platforms are recommended for small business owners? Do you really need to be on them all?
  • What are some issues facing female entrepreneurs who want to launch a podcast?
  • A brief overview of the process involved in launching a podcast

Rosa is a podcast manager and content strategist who has been living the work from home dream, visiting 16 countries and counting. 

Ideablossoms is a small agency that focuses on making podcasting simple. No more hours of planning, recording, and editing. Rosa and her team work with coaches and course creators who already have tons of content and are ready to scale their business but don’t have the time or capacity to. 



To learn more about the online course, 90 Day VA, watch this masterclass

Download Rosa’s freebie HERE



“I wanted to live abroad. I wanted to continue exploring, continue seeing different cities, different people, different cultures, and different food.”

“I help them edit, publish and repurpose their content; either a podcast, or a YouTube channel, or even a blog.”

“Just go back to what you already have – I guarantee you, you have a shit ton of things that you can post right now. “

“I just turned a video into audio. And there you go, we have a podcast episode, and she doesn’t have to record a thing.”

“If you open a business, you’re probably selling your genius, the thing that you’re great at and you love doing. And if you don’t have enough time to focus on that, your business is gonna hurt.”

“Social media just keeps us on our toes, doesn’t it?”

“Like instead of focusing on the “bad”, focus on the opportunities.”

“You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Just copy and paste it. Save yourself some time.”

“I just had to start to like, ‘Okay, stop. Think about it. Do you really want to do this? You don’t. So why are you saying yes?’



Pinterest: @ideablossoms

Instagram: @idea.blossoms

Website: ideablossoms.com



Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Facebook: @thatlauraaura

Twitter: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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Learn how to get out of your head so you can move forward! 👉🏻Attend the Mind Fuckery Workshop Sept 9-13