84: Growing a Healthy Mind, Body, and Business With Dr. Lindsey Elmore

I think we can all agree that the past year has had its profound challenges, but here we are, moving forward, running our businesses, caring for our families.

Let this be a reminder that you CAN do hard things, and you have a 100% success rate of surviving even your worst days.

We’re kicking things off this month with a popular and necessary topic – health.

But not just the “eat more veggies” kind of health. I’m talking about the fullness of growing a healthy mind, body, and business. Because if one of those things is off, so is everything else.

I brought in an incredible expert to help us in today’s episode, and her name is Dr Lindsey Elmore.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • In light of the pandemic, what does Lindsey believe is the downfall of allopathic medicine?
  • How to create a healthier lifestyle by crafting, what Lindsey calls, ‘upstream solutions’
  • Three steps to creating lasting change
  • The importance of talking to yourself with love and kindness
  • Why gratitude is so important and a great tip on how to start your gratitude journey
  • Advice on creating healthier routines that stick
  • Why things tend to fall into place when you eat correctly and with intention
  • Recommendations to female business owners on how to keep their mind, body and business in check

Dr. Lindsey Elmore is a pharmacist, natural wellness expert, vegan cook, yogi, podcast host, and business strategy coach. She is a speaker, author, and world-renowned wellness expert who translates complicated science into understandable stories – and travels the world educating audiences about natural wellness. 

She has spoken to audiences on five continents in more than 35 countries. Her educational materials have been translated into more than 25 languages. Dr. Elmore reaches millions on social media and her Facebook content reaches more than 85 countries, and more than 15 million minutes of education have been watched on Facebook alone.



Go to lindseyelmore.com to find out more about the Clean Slate CleanseBrand Strategies Lab or to work one-on-one with Lindsey.

Here is are links to the two meditation apps mentioned: Insight Timer and One Minute Pause

Click HERE to purchase Janine Roth’s book that was mentioned, Women, Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything



“If I don’t show up and do the work that I was put here to do, nobody else will. And that is not a reality that I am comfortable with.”

“Maybe I’m crazy. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m definitely audacious enough to believe that you can take ownership of your health and wellness.”

“They’re not wrong. They’re just not me. And it’s my job to continually remind myself, the opinions of others do not matter to my life’s work.”

“It takes guts to know that you have an inherent self-worth – that no person should ever be able to take away from you.”

“Do things that make you feel strong and empowered and accomplished. Because that’s the way that you change – that’s the way that we grow.”

“It’s not about being perfect. We’re human beings; we’re never going to be perfect.”

“Set those visions for yourself and then show up for yourself to actually accomplish it.”

“You have to recognize that if you’re unhealthy, your brand is not healthy.”

“When you are gutsy enough to be exactly who you are, you attract people that love you because of exactly who you are.”



Facebook: @lindseyelmore

Instagram: @lindseyelmore

Twitter: @drlindseyelmore

Website: lindseyelmore.com



Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Facebook: @thatlauraaura

Twitter: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



We love, love, love to read your comments, feedback, and reviews. If you haven’t yet, drop us one below! Your review might even get highlighted within one of our gutsy love posts or on our website.


Do the Damn Thing Masterclass - an 8-week group program to finally get out of your head and start making bold moves toward your biggest goals ✨ Begins Feb 4th