177: Metaphysical Success and Fulfillment with Erin Patten

Are you on a journey to discover and experience deeply fulfilling happiness, success, and expansion? This is all possible when you are willing to get still, feel what you need to feel, and take action towards the things that you truly want vs. the things you feel you SHOULD do or be.

Today, we’re talking with Erin Patten about Metaphysics – the combination of energy and strategy – to achieve success and fulfillment in your life and business.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • From Harvard to Healing
  • How Erin didn’t allow her traumas to dictate who she is
  • The universe unfolds slowly
  • The concept of Metaphysics and why it is so important
  • How to start to tap into your energy
  • The soul journey with your feelings and the refinement
  • The dis-ease state in life and especially in business
  • Manifesting, making shifts, and awareness
  • The soul of your organization


Erin is a Metaphysical Master with an old soul and a youthful vision. From Houston to Harvard, she discovered that in order to experience fulfilled success she needed intentional healing to truly manifest the life of her dreams while experiencing real joy. She now helps other business owners do the same through The MetaBusiness World, the only management consultancy that integrates ancient metaphysical principles with leading-edge strategy taking organizations and individuals to new levels of existence and experience.



Check out my guest interview on The MetaBusiness Millennial, Erin’s podcast: Ep 40: Get Gutsy & Go for Your Wildest Dreams with LauraAura.

If you’re interested in trying guided meditation and want to start where Erin started, check out this video for the first day of the 21-Day Meditation Experience with Oprah & Deepak Chopra.

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Join the Gutsy Collective – The Gutsy Collective is a community of energetically driven female entrepreneurs + visionaries who desire meaningful growth – mentally, physically, and energetically. Join us online or in-person for monthly mentorship to reignite your fire and get the answers you seek.

Get the support you need and feel alive again! – My mission is to help you discover your own personal alignment so that you can feel deeply connected and expansively alive – all with ease and flow. Whether you are a brand new or aspiring entrepreneur, you have a growing small business, or you are an expanding CEO ready for your next level of success, I’ve got your back! Click here to learn about the 3 ways I can support you and your business.



“For me, the answer truly was in healing. Like, all my dreams could be fulfilled if I could just heal myself and grow and connect to my soul.”

“So, this is why the Metaphysics is super important because it is such a huge majority part of our “beingness”, and when we’re not tapped into that invisible aspect of ourselves, then there’s really no way we can really actualize the fullest potential of the part of us that is visible.”

“I encourage people to sit with those feelings because it is in the very sitting with them in which you’re transmuting them, you’re alchemizing them, you’re shifting them. But, you have to be able to sit in them before they can move.”

“I called myself a corporate dropout because I was so cool and I was going to start my business, not having healed the very things that I thought that I was running from in my corporate existence, to then enslave myself as an entrepreneur.”

“We’re all suffering the same and until we can all come into a very intentional healing, then the money is actually going to do us a disservice, it’s actually going to have diminishing returns over time.”



Instagram: @iamerinpatten

Podcast: The MetaBusiness Millennial

Website: themetabusiness.world



TikTok:  @thatlauraaura

Facebook: @thatlauraaura

Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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