172: Purposeful Productivity with Tanya Dalton

Have you ever started your day with full intentions of getting things accomplished and then one ding of an email took you down a rabbit hole of to-do’s and needs? You have ideas and passions you want to bring into the world but you can’t seem to get enough time to do them annndddd… you’re doing 100 things but not seeing the results you know you could be experiencing.

That’s why we’re talking to Tanya Dalton about purposeful productivity so you not only feel accomplished but start seeing results.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Give yourself permission to pause, assess and reroute
  • Push back against regret to step into who you want to be
  • Shifting your mindset from doer to owner
  • Stop being a bottleneck: empower your team and let go
  • A powerful exercise to boost happiness and efficiency in your business
  • What Tanya does to be purposefully productive and happy
  • The C.L.E.A.R. method to define priorities
  • Why Tanya’s business is social media free


Tanya is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and nationally recognized productivity expert. She helps executives and entrepreneurs step into purposeful leadership. Her books have been translated into 8 languages around the world; her first book, The Joy of Missing Out, was named a Top 10 Business Book of the year by Fortune Magazine. Her podcast, The Intentional Advantage has received millions of downloads from listeners around the world. She is a featured expert on several networks including NBC and Fox and is a VIP contributor for Entrepreneur.com & Forbes.com. Tanya is considered a thought leader in purposeful productivity and leadership by some of the world’s leading publications including Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, and Real Simple.



Take my Power Leak Quiz to help you identify if you’re unintentionally giving away your power and where that leak is coming from.

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Get the support you need and feel alive again! – My mission is to help you discover your own personal alignment so that you can feel deeply connected and expansively alive – all with ease and flow. Whether you are a brand new or aspiring entrepreneur, you have a growing small business, or you are an expanding CEO ready for your next level of success, I’ve got your back! Click here to learn about the 3 ways I can support you and your business.



“Are you willing to stop? And are you willing to ask the questions?”

“Often we’re in the thick of it, all we can see are the trees, we got to zoom out, we got to look at the forest view. And we have to say, Okay, here’s where I want to go next. Because then we can communicate that to our team members. And we can make sure that we’re all moving in that direction together.”

“100% done well by someone else is better than 80% done perfectly by you, and that’s the truth. It’s not about doing it perfectly or doing it in a very specific way, it’s what is good enough and letting go of some of that.”

“You get to choose what you do. You get to choose where you focus. You get to choose what you prioritize. You get to choose what goes on your calendar. And by leaning into that we take in a lot of that power and that allows us to really step into what it is we want and where we want our business to go.”

“It seems really important to understand the difference between hours of business and hours of availability, hours of availability, or when you’re available for your customers and your clients, hours of business or when you’re working in your business..”



LinkedIn: Tanya Dalton

Podcast: The Intentional Advantage

Website: tanyadalton.com



TikTok:  @thatlauraaura

Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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