166: Create Content That Actually Sells Your Product with Sage Polaris

“If no one is reading your emails, clicking on your ads, or looking at your sales page, there’s no real relationship.”

Those are the wise words from today’s guest, Sage Polaris, otherwise known as the conscious launch strategist for the internet rich and famous.

Creating content can feel like a chore of its own – so when you spend time and effort writing for your social, emails, or website and there are crickets when it comes to sales, it can feel overly frustrating.

Today, we’re going to talk about creating content that aligns with you and your business AND sells your products or services.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of finding your own path
  • Find your biggest profit sweet spots to help decide your next moves
  • The Color-Coded Copy System: understand the four types of buyers
  • Ways to test and experiment to discover what works for your audience
  • The biggest mistake people make when writing copy
  • Storytelling versus Story selling
  • How to create content that actually sells your product


Sage helps rising influencers who want to kick conversion rates up a notch – especially for launches. She helps entrepreneurs find their more important sweet spots and overall helps them go from storytelling to story selling, creating copy that starts a conversation and builds strong relationships.

She has written high-converting copy for more than 400+ clients earning them millions of dollars. To keep it simple – Sage helps her clients increase sales with words & strategy on their website and emails.



Sage has created a special offer just for you! Visit sagepolaris.com/gutsy to receive Sage’s free “3 Magic Emails” resource to triple their email open rates.

Mind Fuckery: 5-day Live Workshop to help you overcome the thoughts and the beliefs that tell you that you cannot, that have you overthinking and worrying, and that are stopping you from moving things forward and achieving the goals, the dreams, the visions that you’ve had for so very long. The class will run from July 24 to July 28 and you can sign up here. You’ll also find a $20 OFF coupon for the Mind Fuckery Workshop in the Gutsy Collective (available until July 1st).

Join the Gutsy Collective – The Gutsy Collective is a community of energetically driven female entrepreneurs + visionaries who desire meaningful growth – mentally, physically, and energetically. Join us online or in-person for monthly mentorship to reignite your fire and get the answers you seek.

Get the support you need and feel alive again! – My mission is to help you discover your own personal alignment so that you can feel deeply connected and expansively alive – all with ease and flow. Whether you are a brand new or aspiring entrepreneur, you have a growing small business, or you are an expanding CEO ready for your next level of success, I’ve got your back! Click here to learn about the 3 ways I can support you and your business.



“To me, making a conscious choice is looking at what other people are doing, getting inspired by it for sure. But then finding our own path towards the result that we’re gonna get based on our own personal strengths.”

“If we’re in this business for the long haul, then, and I think most of us here are, then give yourself some grace to experiment over time. Even though I’ve been doing this for 11 years, there’s new experiments to be had around the strategies that work for my audience, because my audience evolves over time.”

“Choose stories that are really going to sell versus just feeling like you have to share everything because everyone else does.”

“People think they have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to their content. But you could take an old story, re-spin it and rewrite it a little bit and use it again, especially if you know it works.”



Facebook: @CreativeCustomWriting

Instagram: @sagepolaris

Website: sagepolaris.com



TikTok:  @thatlauraaura

Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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