162: Start to Believe in Yourself with Vanja Beric

Your mind is a beautifully intricate place. It’s where your ideas, inspiration, and ambition come together to do great things. It’s also the space where all the thoughts, feelings, and expectations you’ve picked up along the way like gathering to have a board meeting about why you suck and why you can’t do something, all while creating the worst-case-possible scenario.

Today, we’re talking with Vanja Beric, a Counselor from Australia, about shifting limiting beliefs so you feel empowered to make decisions with confidence and gain the freedom to be yourself.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The life-changing power of self-awareness and knowledge
  • Steps to move forward and accept your mistakes
  • How to push out of your comfort zone to build a new path
  • How to start releasing control and building your inner strength
  • Stop self-sabotaging and break out of the cycle
  • Dealing with your feelings and healing your wounds is necessary for long-lasting happiness
  • This is not about perfection, give yourself permission


Coming from a war-torn country as a refugee to Australia at 11 years old, she has experienced hardship, abuse and had very limiting beliefs. She is now a counselor who helps others build on their own self-belief. She is an entrepreneur who wants to empower women so that no matter what your past is you get to choose your future. Her philosophy is understating yourself and healing your wounds will give you deep freedom, love, and abundance you never knew possible. Her mission is to help women find belief in themselves, by healing their past and discovering who they are.



Do you want to discover if you have any energy leaks? My Power Leak Quiz will help you identify if you’re unintentionally giving away your power and where that leak is coming from.

Join the Gutsy Collective The Gutsy Collective is a community of energetically driven female entrepreneurs + visionaries who desire meaningful growth – mentally, physically, and energetically. Join us online or in person for monthly mentorship to reignite your fire and get the answers you seek.

Check out all of the ongoing live classes, courses and events that I’m hosting to help further educate, support and guide you through your mindset, your business, and your alignment HERE.



“The one goal where I’m trying to get to with everyone is: we’re human. That’s it. We’re human, we make mistakes, and we move on. Life goes on. You’re not good or bad, you’re just human.”

“People are sometimes afraid to get vulnerable and put their shields down and just put their weapons down. But it’s so important for people to understand that it’s really not as hard as we make it out to be. It’s about 10 minutes of discomfort and a lifetime of freedom. So, choose your hard.”

“We’re building a new path on, we sometimes can’t see the end, or we can’t see a kilometer ahead. But that’s the thing, that’s where the human trust comes from. That’s where our own inner strength comes from that: ‘I don’t know where it’s going to take me, but I’m going to be okay.’”

“Whatever age you were 10 years ago, I’m sure you had plans for where you want to be, or you had an idea where you want to be. And thinking about that idea that you had 10 years ago, and where you are now which one do you prefer? The idea that you had in your head, or where you are now?”



Instagram: @vanjaberic

Podcast: Radiant Women

Website: vanjaberic.com



TikTok:  @thatlauraaura

Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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Do the Damn Thing Masterclass - an 8-week group program to finally get out of your head and start making bold moves toward your biggest goals ✨ Begins Feb 4th