161: From Surviving to Thriving with Brigitte Cutshall

Do you ever find yourself saying, “If I can just get through this day?” And while you have an occasional glimpse of enjoyment, you always seem to find yourself back in the rat race, scrambling to find the cheese.

Today we’re talking with Brigitte Cutshall about shifting from surviving to thriving so you can improve and enjoy your life.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How she started doing her own thing while fighting cancer
  • How to build the muscle to be able to stand up for yourself
  • The difference between a coach and a mentor and what’s best for you
  • The importance of pausing and reflecting instead of just reacting
  • Understanding what’s important to you is key
  • How to really start taking control of and supporting your health
  • How to go from surviving to thriving in business


Brigitte Cutshall knows what it means to go from a survivor to a thriver. Between beating cancer twice with an intentional approach to health, Brigitte found out she had a rare brain tumor. She is now a recognized expert in health and wellness, as well as an author who focuses and speaks on taking control of your health before it controls you. She is also a Solutions Consultant, founder of Gemini Media, and podcast host of Real Things Living.



Join the Gutsy Collective The Gutsy Collective is a community of energetically driven female entrepreneurs + visionaries who desire meaningful growth – mentally, physically, and energetically. Join us online or in person for monthly mentorship to reignite your fire and get the answers you seek.

Alignment Sessions: get fast + clear answers –  Sometimes, you simply need a fresh set of eyes and clear direction on what step to take next. Alignment Sessions are 90-min individual coaching sessions designed to help you realign your energy and get a clear action plan so you can save time and start growing.

1:1 Coaching with LauraAura My mission is to help you align and simplify so you feel confident, trust your intuition, and expand in ways that make you feel alive. I combine energy work with grounded, practical action, and together we’ll acknowledge the limiting beliefs and habits that may be holding you back while leaning into who you truly are and how you work most efficiently.



“I think it’s so important to be who you are in business because you will attract the people that want to appreciate that of you. Whereas if you put on a mask or dilute it or try and talk or be something that you’re not, then essentially that’s a face that you have to then put on every single day.”

“My problem is sometimes has been that it has to be perfect. And that’s what used to make me afraid to do things when I was younger, it had to be perfect. But it doesn’t have to be, and I respect people who put things out there because it’s not perfect, and then you can always go back and adjust it.”

“If we don’t know what’s important, that’s why you’re just getting by, that’s why you’re just surviving because those things are not in the forefront.”

“Keep it simple. Don’t isolate yourself, and when you get feedback, to pause and reflect and not react, those three main things.”



Instagram: @brigittecutshall

Podcast: Real Things Living

YouTube: @RealThingsLiving

Website: brigittecutshall.com



TikTok:  @thatlauraaura

Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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The Gutsy Collective - a community for female entrepreneurs