153: Owning Your Worth with Angela Randolph

You likely started a business for three reasons: to do something that you love, to help people, and to make money.

Society has taught us that talking about money or asking for more of it is boastful and greedy. But the opposite is true. When women own their worth and speak openly about finances, we have a greater impact on ourselves and those around us.

Today, we’re chatting with CPA Angela Randolph about empowering yourself with knowledge and owning your worth for impact.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • It’s almost impossible to grow your business when you ignore your finances
  • Knowing your numbers is the foundation of your strategic planning and decision-making
  • How to discover your worth
  • Pricing your services or products and charging your worth
  • What owning your worth can do for women in business
  • What knowing your numbers actually looks like
  • Where to start if you are not ready to hire or outsource your accounting


Angela is the Founder/CEO of Stellar Ledgers LLC, a boutique financial firm that serves small to medium businesses by providing financial accounting, outsourced CFO, training, and consulting services based out of Houston, Texas. Angela is very passionate about empowering and equipping entrepreneurs with the financial knowledge and business acumen needed to have profitable businesses.



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1:1 Coaching with LauraAura My mission is to help you align and simplify so you feel confident, trust your intuition, and expand in ways that make you feel alive. I combine energy work with grounded, practical action, and together we’ll acknowledge the limiting beliefs and habits that may be holding you back while leaning into who you truly are and how you work most efficiently.



“We have to know what the problems are in order to fix them and part of that is knowing where you are right now and then charting a path to overcoming whatever challenges that you have. So, it’s almost impossible to grow the business without having that foundation.”

“I try to stick to my guns because we’re in business to make money, right? So, if your expertise is knowledge, is information and people want your expertise, then there’s a price associated with that. You shouldn’t feel bad about that.”

“I feel like there are people out there that will value your service and will pay and not haggle you, not want a discount. So, if you have an abundance mindset, then you’ll be fine.”

“Just being confident in what you bring to the marketplace, and knowing that you are worth it. You have to feel that, you have to believe it and then, I believe, it just becomes an extension, in terms of business and how you operate.”

“They say accounting is the Language of Business and that’s true. Because if you don’t know where you are numbers-wise, you’re not going to be in business very long.”



Facebook: @AngelaTheCFO

Instagram: @stellarledgers_

Personal Website: angelarandolph.com

Website: stellarledgers.com



TikTok:  @thatlauraaura

Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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