149: Start and Grow your Coaching Business with Melissa Lin

The online coaching space has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years. And with the help of social media and easy-to-access online tools, it’s easier now more than ever to create a coaching business of your own. 

Today we’re talking with global business coach Melissa Lin about starting and growing your online coaching business. We’re going to talk about ways to price yourself, ways to sell in a way that feels really good, and some do’s and don’ts that can really help you along your journey.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Melissa’s journey from chemical engineer to seven-figure business coach
  • There is always going to be an abundance of clients for you
  • Being on social media and navigating those days you don’t want to show up
  • What to do to get started with your coaching business
  • Tips for creating, crafting, and pricing your own coaching offers
  • Strategy cannot work until you’ve worked on your mindset
  • Shifting the story around selling
  • Why you’re not getting the sales you want and how to change that


Melissa is a previously successful chemical engineer stuck in a 9-5 to making multiple five-figure months now turned into a seven-figure business coach, business owner, and podcast host. She is a business, sales, and content expert in the online space with a mission to help female coaches and service-based businesses across the globe create freedom in their lives through entrepreneurship.



Join the Gutsy Collective – The Gutsy Collective is a community of energetically driven female entrepreneurs + visionaries who desire meaningful growth – mentally, physically, and energetically. Join us online or in person for monthly mentorship to reignite your fire and get the answers you seek.

Alignment Sessions: get fast + clear answers–  Sometimes, you simply need a fresh set of eyes and clear direction on what step to take next. Alignment Sessions are 90-min individual coaching sessions designed to help you realign your energy and get a clear action plan so you can save time and start growing.

1:1 Coaching with LauraAura – My mission is to help you align and simplify so you feel confident, trust your intuition, and expand in ways that make you feel alive. I combine energy work with grounded, practical action, and together we’ll acknowledge the limiting beliefs and habits that may be holding you back while leaning into who you truly are and how you work most efficiently.



“No matter how many coaches get started, there are always an abundance of clients. And I deeply believe there are always going to be an abundance of clients for you because there’s only one YOU.”

“People love to pay you and so, regardless, at the end of the day, there is somebody out there who will pay your prices. I can promise you, whatever offer you put together, whatever price point you put together, there are people who will pay you for that.”

“It’s really just about showing up and adding service and adding value because the success will come. Your success is inevitable as long as you keep going. But you’ve got to start. You’ve got to get out of your comfort zone. That’s where the magic happens.”

“There’s a difference between talking about your offer and actually asking for the sale and inviting somebody in. And what I see usually close the gap is starting to build more relationships with your audience. Usually, if that sale isn’t being closed, there’s a lack of like-know-trust.”



Instagram: @the_melissalin

Podcast: The Fierce Business Babe

Website: themelissalin.com



TikTok:  @thatlauraaura

Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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