147: Transform your website into a goldmine with Ari Krzyzek

Do you have a website that isn’t converting? In other words, people are clicking on your site but aren’t booking the call, purchasing the product, or joining the program? Websites are complex machines that require strategy, clarity, and purpose – if it’s confusing, people bounce.

If you want to turn your website into a functioning goldmine that turns visitors into paying customers, then today’s episode with branding and website specialist Ari Krzyzek is for you!


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The times when having a website is not the best idea
  • The formula for how to lay out your homepage
  • The website is not for you, it’s for your target audience
  • The importance of mapping out your website and user journey
  • Some reasons why your website may not be converting
  • Building and managing it yourself OR hiring a professional?
  • Think beyond just the people who buy from you
  • Analytics is how you’ll know if your website is serving its purpose
  • How to select the right platform for your business

Co-founder and chief creative officer of Chykalophia (read: see-ka-lo-fia), Ari Krzyzek helps FemTech, DTC, and women-led brands transform their website into a platform that unlocks business opportunities. She serves as a branding, UX consultant, and professional peer in support of fellow female entrepreneurs through the #1 ranked private business incubator in the world. She’s the co-host of Halo Femtech Podcast, a podcast that honors disruptive innovators and change-makers advancing women’s health.



Map out your site and leverage the way users are interacting with it to better guide them through the steps you want them to take on their user journey by using this SaaS application on the web: FlowMapp.

Ari is launching a book in September about building a website in the right way and she is giving five copies to the Gutsy Tribe. So,  if you want one of the copies, connect with Ari on LinkedIn and she will send it over to you in September.

Join the Gutsy Collective – The Gutsy Collective is a community of energetically driven female entrepreneurs + visionaries who desire meaningful growth – mentally, physically, and energetically. Join us online or in person for monthly mentorship to reignite your fire and get the answers you seek.

Alignment Sessions: get fast + clear answers –  Sometimes, you simply need a fresh set of eyes and clear direction on what step to take next. Alignment Sessions are 90-min individual coaching sessions designed to help you realign your energy and get a clear action plan so you can save time and start growing.

1:1 Coaching with LauraAura – My mission is to help you align and simplify so you feel confident, trust your intuition, and expand in ways that make you feel alive. I combine energy work with grounded, practical action, and together we’ll acknowledge the limiting beliefs and habits that may be holding you back while leaning into who you truly are and how you work most efficiently.



“Oftentimes, people don’t realize that whatever you put in [your social media account], that’s no longer your content and that’s no longer your data. That’s whoever or whichever social media company’s data. They can shut you down anytime, right? And you don’t have any control over it.”

“Your website can be as fancy as you want, have animation here and there, flashing things all around. But if it’s not really converting, it’s honestly useless, right? Sure, you’re gonna have a pretty website, but it’s not going to pay the bills.”

“I often talk about building websites like building a home. And to put walls up and a roof on you first need a blueprint.”

“So, [it’s about] thinking beyond people who just buy from you, right? And this is where you can create your website as a goldmine, because eventually, these are the people who will advocate for your brand, who will then tell the world how amazing your product or your services are and refer them to you.”



Instagram: @ari.krzyzek

Website: arikrzyzek.com

Podcast: Halo Femtech Podcast



TikTok:  @thatlauraaura

Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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