139: Play in The Present Moment with Leah Pardee

Do you often feel like you’ve done 100 things in a day and then sit on your couch at night wondering where the day went? Or why you feel so unaccomplished, and completely exhausted?

You’re not alone. 

Today, we’re talking with Leah Pardee about playing in the present moment so that you feel more aligned, in control, and satisfied in your life and business.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Leah’s transition from corporate grind mode to soul-led business owner
  • The power of alignment
  • Self-love, believing in yourself and giving yourself grace
  • Surrendering and the happiness and ease that comes with it
  • The importance of bringing yourself back to the present moment
  • How to be fully where you are
  • The science and the art of breathwork


Leah Pardee is an Alignment Mentor, Breathwork Facilitator, and host of the Bare Naked Soul Podcast. Her mission is to help women activate their confidence and unleash their limitless potential, so they can manifest their dream lives.



Get your copy of Leah Pardee’s “Heal Your Sh*t Journal: A transformational journey within”, here.

Join the Gutsy Collective – The Gutsy Collective is a community of energetically driven female entrepreneurs + visionaries who desire meaningful growth – mentally, physically, and energetically. Join us online or in person for monthly mentorship to reignite your fire and get the answers you seek.

Alignment Sessions: get fast + clear answers –  Sometimes, you simply need a fresh set of eyes and clear direction on what step to take next. Alignment Sessions are 90-min individual coaching sessions designed to help you realign your energy and get a clear action plan so you can save time and start growing.

1:1 Coaching with LauraAura – My mission is to help you align and simplify so you feel confident, trust your intuition, and expand in ways that make you feel alive. I combine energy work with grounded, practical action, and together we’ll acknowledge the limiting beliefs and habits that may be holding you back while leaning into who you truly are and how you work most efficiently.



“Life is going to be ups and downs and challenges and people are going to say stupid things to us. And things aren’t going to always go our way. So, the only way to really be fulfilled all the time is to be okay with that.”

“It’s so much about setting down those should’s. You don’t have to do anything that doesn’t feel in alignment with you.”

“It’s not time-consuming to just pull yourself back to the present. Everyone can do this. There’s like no reason not to.”

“[Breathwork] is a tool that everyone already has. You don’t have to buy anything, you don’t have to go anywhere […] it’s not this whole big thing. You have your breath right now.”



Instagram: @itsleahpardee

YouTube: Leah Pardee

Website: leahpardee.com



TikTok:  @thatlauraaura

Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Website: LauraAura.com



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