129: Eliminate Overload and Overwhelm with Joshua Bloom

It’s no secret that owning and operating a business can be overwhelming. 

And if you’re also an empath with intuitive abilities… Well, things can get really intense real fast. 

Caring for your mind, body, and soul is an essential part of growing a successful business, and allowing yourself to tap into your innate powers creates limitless possibilities. 

Today we’re talking with Quantum Energy Specialist Joshua Bloom about eliminating overload and overwhelm so that you can feel vibrant, alive, and in alignment.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What empaths and an intuitives are
  • How to step out of overload and overwhelm 
  • Refocusing your energy: going from overwhelm to embodied connection
  • How to protect your energy as an empath or intuitive person
  • What the Quantum Field is and why it matters
  • How you can go into the Quantum Field


Joshua is an internationally acclaimed, trusted authority on Quantum Transformation. Number one best-selling author of The Ultimate Answer Is Inside and the executive producer of the cutting-edge film, The Ultimate Answer Is Inside. Joshua has developed his own modality called Quantum Energy Transformation – which invites extraordinary empaths and intuitives to go inside themselves to access the quantum field.



Joshua’s FREE gift mentioned in this episode can be accessed HERE.

To grab the resources mentioned inside the episode, go to: lauraaura.com/resources



“You don’t have to be overwhelmed every day. And just because you are an empath, and an intuitive doesn’t mean that you have to take on everybody’s stuff.”

“Intuition shows up exactly when you need it.”

“We are not our patterns. We are not what we do.”

“Your strategy should come from your purpose. Not the other way around.”

“When your aura is out, it is protecting you, regardless of people walking into it.”

“You will be guided exactly where you need to go when you’re in alignment.”

“When you’re in your body and you’re connected with yourself, that’s when alignment starts to show up in your life. That’s when things start to happen.”



Facebook: @QuantumEnergyTransformation

Instagram: @beingquantumnow

Twitter: @QuantumEnergyC

Linkedin: Joshua Bloom

Website: quantumenergycenter.tv



Instagram: @thatlauraaura

Facebook: @thatlauraaura

Twitter: @thatlauraaura

Website:  LauraAura.com



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